Sunday, November 2, 2008

Anatomy of a Boyfriend

Reading this book became one of those random finds for me. I picked it up randomly off the shelf because of the picture as a joke for a good book i thought a friend should read. After she started reading it she found out it was actually really good so I decided to go get the book and read it for myself. I'm glad I did.

Anatomy of a Boyfriend is written by Daria Snadowsky. It is a book about this girl named Dominique but most people call her Dommie or Dom. She is always reading a Grey's Anatomy book and playing the game Operation. Since she was a little girl she has always wanted to be in the doctor field. Now that she's getting older she is starting to second guess herself.
Her best friend is Amy, who goes to a larger school, is really into boys. At one of Amy's track meets, Dom meets a boy who helps her when she has an accident. Wes is shy and sweet, and says he has noticed Dom for a while at the track meets. That night Dom takes a risk that Amy convinced her to, and emails Wes. They soon become boyfriend and girlfriend. Dom is very occupies with her boyfriend now instead of becoming a doctor. Over their high school relationship they have many firsts together. They even spend the night together on prom night.
Soon it is time for both of them to go to college. Dom has to make the decision to take a scholarship to one college, but away from her boyfriend, or go to the big college in New York with her boyfriend. She feels like she might intrude in her boyfriends life in college and takes the scholarship to the college far away. This ends up testing their relationship. Dom is told that she will break up with her boyfriend within the first year. Dom doesn't want to believe it and thinks that her and Wes will hold strong. She finds out after a while that that person was right. Wes starts to act weird and chooses to hang out with other people before her when they're only with each other for a short amount of time. This is confusing to Dom at first. After a while she gets fed up with it and tries to force the reason out of him, as to why he seems to be ignoring her. This end up with the two of them breaking up and trying to move their separate ways.
I thought this book was very enjoyable. Daria Snadowsky has a very clever way of writing and you always feel like you are there experiencing her real feelings as she's going through them. The experiences Dom goes through are new and carried by her curiosity and insecurities. You watch her go through her first boyfriend, her first prom, and her first love. This book is an easy and great read meant for any curious girl.

1 comment:

Nicholas Wood said...

Haha, my girlfriend read this a while ago. I'm glad you told em what it was about, because she wouldn't go into great detail. I thought it was something completely different.
