Monday, March 30, 2009


Spring break was also filled with going to Colorado, specifically Keystone. I went with my venture crew. The leader has a condo up there that ten of us all stayed in. It was another realllllly long car ride over there.... even longer than driving to Nashville. Once we got there we bought our lift tickets and food for the week at a local grocery store. As soon as we had arrived at the condo everyone put everything away and the new guys explored the condo. I had already been to this place before a couple years ago along with one of the other guys too so I did not need to look around.

The next morning my ski boots were not fitting so I had to go to the local sporting goods store to get some while everyone else started off their skiing/snowboarding sessions. I finally found some and went over to the slopes when we all met for lunch. From there I got to ski, but soon my boots were starting to bother me, which was not good at all. That night we went back to the ski place and just got some incerts which were supposed to help support my foot and move it so it did not hurt as bad. Mostly they told me though that I was supposed to wear them a lot to have them settle to my foot.

The next couple of days we went to the slopes again. The first two days had snowy weather which was good for the slopes but made it cold and hard to see when you went down the hill. The last day we went though was sooo beautiful. It was a nice ending to skiing. By that day my shin was hurting from an old bruise and just wearing the new boots in general all the time. But to take a break our leader took some of us snow tubing. It was a lot of fun since I never really knew exactly what it was and how it worked. I kind of wish I was not wearing ski boots though because you are not allowed to go down with anyone else since the boots are dangerous to others if they get hit. You go down this section out part of a hill, like a big slide kind of. Then you have to walk to the belt that takes you and your tube back up. I thought I could just figure it out and did not need any help, but I was wrong... I ended up almost falling backwards because I was not leaning forwards enough. Luckily there was a helper guy that was on his way up right after me that pretty much caught me from falling backwards. I felt really dumb. Either way it was still fun though. That Saturday was our rest day pretty much. We cleaned in the morning before we went back home and then went dog sledding and had a nice dinner out before returning home the next day.

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