Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wild Horse Saloon

The night we found out our results for show choir performance we all got ready and went out to the Wild Horse Saloon. Here we had dinner and learned a line dance with a bunch of the other show choir kids that were there. It seemed like it would be such a great time for all of us. The night was full of food, people, music, and dancing... what more could you ask for? There was a guy that came out and kind of looked like Keith Urban :) Well I was at the front of the stage with others from our group just dancing and having a good time. It was kind of one of those times where I didn't really care what people thought and I was just letting the music and experience take me over. I had this feeling once he started to change to a little older classic songs that he was going to play "my song" (when I sang the solo for Don't Stop Believin'). Everyone usually freaks out when that song comes on. Usually I don't really care to sing along since I feel like everyone does not really hear me anyways since they are singing. It never really felt like "my song" until that night when the guitar started to play the intro. My whole group freaked out and started attention towards me and one of my friends lifted me up in a hug for a second. The singer obviously knew that I had sung it or somehow that song was really important to me since he was watching it right in front of him. For some reason though I just started tearing up with all these emotions. I let it all go and just sang my heart out along to the song with everyone else. I did not care about anything around me, it was just me and that song. Then on the chorus the singer let me singing one of the belting parts.... It probably wasn't that good though because I was still pretty much letting the tears flow but oh well :/ Then I still remember when he was singing another part he looked down at me and winked. I loved it! I loved the entire feeling of that time on the dance floor. It felt like the best night of my life! The feelings I get when I remember that night are great. It really is one of those "priceless" moments that I never will forget.

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