Monday, April 13, 2009

Chorus Line Camp :)

This past weekend we had our five hour rehearsal scheduled with our choreographer who got back in town. We all got there and it always feels kind of weird when you practice on a weekend or not a school day. We had the chorus there for the first couple hours, which flew by very fast. I have never worked on something and had time fly that quickly. Then the chorus got to leave and we worked on principal work and pretty much just went through the show. Our director used this time to start pulling each of us out to work individually on our parts. After about another hour we were all done with the principal work and were ready to go. We all wanted to leave but not even half of us had done our work with our director. Soon we had the idea to just do it next week during night rehearsals instead of waiting till our time then. We were so happy when he let us do that because we thought he might not like the idea very much. I was so happy to leave because fruitzen was open that day. Pretty much all of us left and got snow cones... which were amazing. It was the best rehearsal I have ever been to. Probably because it was scheduled to go until six and we pretty much got out of there a little more than two hours early. And then on top of that fruitzen was open, which everyone loves to go to so we were all in a wonderful mood. It is amazing how much you bond with the musical people. I have been around them every day for pretty much 4 hours at least. And I am not quite fed up with them, but I am sure that time has yet to come.

The tech crew came in the other day and did all the lighting. It is soo cool and really makes the show. Now I feel like it does not feel right when the lighting is not on. This week orchestra is joining us and will make for another challenge but it should be really good and start to really feel like a legit show. This rehearsal tonight shall be another frustrating one. I hope these next two weeks everything will really come together and start to be a really amazing show. I want it to be soo good because I know we have the potential for it to be that way.

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