Sunday, April 12, 2009


My family only has a little over a week left (nine days actually) to pack up everything and get it out of our house so the people who bought it can move in. It is a lot of work, especially when you have to put things in boxes that do not really fit together.

So far all I have attempted are books and papers, which do not really frustrate me that much so I can pretty much just throw them in a box and they will fit pretty nicely. I have musical every week day though from now till next Saturday. That is exactly all the time we have until we have to be out of the house, so I really do not know when I am going to be able to pack up a lot of my stuff. I will maybe have to hardcore pack this weekend, but knowing me I will get off subject and want to go do something else.

My dad and little brother have been furiously packing though. There are so many boxes in the front room of our house. I feel like they have only made a dent in what we have to pack though, but at least it is going somewhere. My mom is out of town this week because she is visiting her sister/my aunt for the week and babysitting her kids while they are on their spring break. If she were here she would be freaking out and worrying about packing all the time because that is just the way she is. I am glad my brother and dad packed this weekend because it will make my mom feel a lot better. Hopefully I can get a bigger dent in my room soon, or else she will turn her worrying to me and start to bother me about it. Then if I do not get to it she will just start doing whatever kind of packing she wants in my room. I think the best would be for me to pack my things so I know where they all are and I wont be confused later. That way I can also clean and get rid of things in the same process and then we do not have to take that stuff with us.

Well hopefully we get the house all packed up in time, and I can find some time really soon to get the packing done that I need to get done. It is starting to be more of a reality that we are actually moving now, since things are starting to empty out and the pile of boxes in the front room are growing.

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