Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I just realized today that next week is show week. I am going to be soo swamped and have to make up school over top of the school that I am already trying to make up. It is exciting to think that everything we have been working on is going to pay off next week. Pretty much the entire week is going to be filled with the musical.

I have made up most of my test that I think I needed to make up. But I am sure that there are plenty that I have missed and did not know that I had. So I will be scrambling just to make up those tests. Somehow I will have to make them up around the busy musical next week. I might just wait until the week after the musical then I can stay after school and use my sixth hour to make everything up. But right now doing this is kind of hard with having musical everyday after school until at least six if not longer. Then the sixth hour I do have off every other day I am currently practicing my solo ensemble pieces with the piano player from our school.

There is just soo much to get done and it is starting to get overwhelming, but I am so excited at the same time for the musical that it kind of balances the worry I have over the make-up work for school and trying to pack in time for moving out. I kind of like packing sometimes anyway though because I run into things that I forgot I had or that bring up old memories. It also feels good to clean out a lot of things from my entire random collection of stuff. I feel like I am always trying to save things just in case I will need them in the future, but the reality is that it takes up so much room and I probably will never remember I even have it. I really cannot wait to get into my moms new house. I am going to get to just make everything new and a change from what it has been.

Soon the musical will come up and be over with. Then I will probably feel bored and wont know what to do so I am just going to live in the moment of excitement and fury.

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