Sunday, April 5, 2009


Our house has been sold! It is weird to actually have our house sold. We have been trying for a year now but it has taken forever. It has not even been a week yet and both of my parents have found houses to get (they got divorced).

On Friday my dad had to leave with my little brother to go to a soccer tournament. Before he left though he found a house that was newly listed in his price range on the market and put an offer down on it. He put down some payment deal to said that he is actually considering buying the house and he wont back out. Then this weekend while both of them were gone my mom and I looked at some houses for her. She went through 17 house just on Saturday alone. Then me and her looked for house on Sunday morning. She ended up looking through a total of 22 houses all together. But today when we were looking through houses we went through the house that my dad put a payment on. For some reason the lady still had an open house, which me and mom my thought sounded suspicious. The lady is selling the house herself through iowahomesforsale. When we went in the house she was showing other people around it like no one had even put an offer down on it and it was still up for sale. Apparently my mom told me she went back through and asked the lady if there had been any offers on it and she said that she had had three offers on the house and was waiting till Monday to accept one. Doesn't that sound a little sleazy and like she is cheating these people. My dad clearly thought that his offer was accepted and he had a house. My little brother even started planning out where his room was going to be and where the t.v. was going to go. This lady obviously is cheating these people out and in the end it probably will benefit her, but it still does not make it right. If my dad was home this weekend he could have been looking at other houses if he knew that this lady did not want his offer. It just seems cheap and completely unprofessional. I really hope he ends up getting the house and is not just played by this rude lady.

But some good news is that my mom found a house this morning and the offer was accepted through an actual reality company so it seems more legit and real than my dads acceptance. The only thing is that the house is like a couple streets away from where my dad wants to live. So it would be kind of weird living that close even though they are divorced. Oh well, I guess I will have to see how it goes.

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