Friday, April 3, 2009


The Monday after we got back from break we had a performance right away at the Marriott Hotel for some business people. It was supposed to be a banquet I think to reward their "good/hardworking" employees. We had to be there a little bit after school so we could get ready and set up for the performance.

Most of the guys went into the big banquet room and helped set up the risers while the girls did their hair in the other room we were all getting ready in. All of a sudden I hear that one of our guys has cut their finger pretty badly. My mom was helping him out because she teaches a first aid and cpr class for the venture crew that I am in. Apparently he sliced his finger on the riser and it was cut really deep. It was bandaged up and no one really sent him to get stitches even though he needed them. I think he was just trying to make it through the performance first.

It is time for us to perform and we go out on stage and stand in our positions. A reverend says a funny little prayer and sits down in front. Now everyone is going through the buffet line at the back of the room while we are starting to perform so it is a little weird. And then everyone else is eating at the round tables in front of us. We start our show and it is going pretty good other than the awkwardness. As we get to our ballad we start off and we all seem really out of breath. Who knows if it was the room that was hard to breath in or none of us just did not really have as much adreneline as we usually do but you could tell it was a little rough. During the beginning, which is a really quiet time, the reverends phones goes off. He takes it out of his pocket and just looks to see whos calling...not even silencing it. After a couple seconds the reverend, who is in the front and center table by the way, opens up his phone and starts talking. It was sooo distracting and weird. I think he might be suffering from mental issues though, so I have to give him a little bit of a break.
During the middle of the ballad the guys finger has now bled through the bandage and is making a little pool on the stage of blood. He has a little five person solo part in the next song but right after the ballad he has to leave to go get stitches. So now we have an awkward situation to perform at in the first place, with a distracting phone conversation, and a leaking cut finger on stage. was quite a performance.

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