Thursday, February 12, 2009


For my birthday I wanted a cute little night out... and that's what I got. I ended up going to the movie Taken. I had not really seen many advertisements for it on T.V. and I did not even know who the actors were, but what I had heard about the story line really interested me. I ended up going to see the movie on a Thursday night with barely anyone in the movie theatre. I thought the movie was incredibly good. I love action but in a certain way and this movie was exactly on.

Liam Neeson I have never seen in movies before and I also had not seen really any of the other characters in any movie before. Neeson did an incredible job at playing his character. I thought it was so riviting how the story line went along. I was always captivated at every moment in the movie. The beginning was the only part that was not that interesting. It was just setting up the story and character relationships/backgrounds. Neeson's character was trying to find his daughter that had been taken. His job that he had in the government had first taken him from being a good father to his daughter, but now it helps get her back. I have always loved and watched actions movie since I was little. Living in a house with two brothers...action movies is pretty much what we always watched. This has to be my favorite one so far. In most movies you see the good guy give the bad guy a break and not kill him, which usually ends up turning on them. This movie, Neeson's character had no mercy and pretty much killed everyone in his way. It was amazing because he could go into a room and kill everyone there, even if they had a gun and he did not. You could really tell that his training was excellent and even though he was retired, he could still use his skills to the fullest to get his daughter back. Even when France's inside men turned on him, he still did what he had to do to find where she was.

Taken was an amazing movie to watch. I loved every minute of it. I will definitly have to buy the movie when it comes out on DVD. If you really like action and a kickass movie, you should definitly try this one out.

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