Loud Noises!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mmm... yummy!

I know this is not the prettiest picture I have had on here, but it is the most amazing place to go! Fruitzen is crazy delicious and always the place to go for a little evening get together of snack, whatever you choose. I always have fun when I go. When you are craving some delicious heaven in your mouth, you know where to go. I love how many flavors they have and I always try to get something new but it is hard to branch off from the one that you really like. I have found one and I try some other ones but they are not as good as the kind I like.My first experience with snow cones was a bad one. It tasted really watery because there was barely any flavor with the ice. I would rather have too much or nothing than just a little bit of flavor. So I was a little hesitant when I went to fruitzen for the first time. I could not really understand why everyone loved it so much....Now I know.
Recently I have been there a lot to enjoy the tasty treats that they offer. I usually stick to my one flavor. I just like going with a bunch of people to eat a bite of what they have to see if I will like it or not. Usually I find that most people like mine a lot but I do not really like theirs as much. I have stuck to my flavor for forever. The people there pretty much know that I will always get it :)
They have these punch cards that they punch out a spot for every snow cone you buy there. When you have ten total you can use the card to get a free snow cone. Apparently some people have been abusing these cards, by saving them up until the fall and then using all of them then. This does not allow for as much revenue to come in at that time. I do not really understand though, because those punch cards are like motivation for some people and either way they are still paying for their snow cones. Maybe they should just have like deadlines on the cards as how long you have to use them. That might solve some of the problem and then people can use them still. Apparently though they are going to try to have customer appreciation days though where snow cones might be two for one for the day. That sounds like it would make up for the loss of cards, accept that it might be terribly busy that day.Either way I love going to fruitzen. It is always a memorable experience when I go with friends. I do not think I have ever had a bad time going there. It usually makes my day. I could not imagine this upcoming summer without it!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Grad Parties :)

Since the end of school and graduation has come, so have grad parties. They are such a nice time to see your friends celebrate the end of their high school career and to see your friends again. Everyones is a little bit different and all have very good food. Of course there are the little graduation sign in books to leave a little note for the person graduating. Then there usually is such an array of pictures displayed all over. I love seeing everyones past pictures and how they have progressed. Especially the different displays. The ideas are so creative.

Since I have been going to grad parties recently, I have started to think of ideas for my own grad party. I really like having cute different food than normal. Maybe some hors d'oeuvres that I could help make with my mom. Then some punch seems to be something that everyone loves and a nice refreshing treat for the end of the year. I can not wait to start finding even more cute ideas and putting them into action. I really want a creative and nice graduation party. I also found this picture (above) of cute little graduation treats. They are so creative and different than anything I have ever seen. This year, graduation mints are the thing to have, but I want graduation chocolate hats! It would be so fun... at least to me.

So far I have been to so many and this upcoming weekend there is a ton on one day. I cannot believe how many people have parties on the Saturday after graduation. My favorite thing to try at every ones graduation is the food. Finding new recipe's and ways to make things are always fun and interesting. There was one party that I just keep remembering this amazing cheese dip. It was almost like a mexican dip of sorts but soo good. The theme of the party was kind of mexican too and the food was delicious. All of the food in fact was very delicious. And if I did not like it there was always something else there to munch on. I do not think my mom had to pay for any of my meals these past weekends and probably for a couple weekends to come. All these other parties coming up should be fun and amazing... hopefully. I just can not wait until my own grad party! And just mainly getting out of school and away from some of the people to meet new ones. Overall everything should be fun and crazy!

Gone forever?

The seniors are leaving and I feel like I will lose some of them forever. Who knows when the I'll see them next after graduation. This past year they have really grown to be good friends and some are even closer than that. I have been so greatful to be in the varsity show choir this year because I have bonded with all of them. There are not many juniors left, well girls at least. None are even very close to me, or ones that I want to be close to. Speech, the musical, and show choir have really opened my friend world up to different people outside of the stupid little clicks at our school that are still going on. They are ridiculous, and I love having friends from every circle anyways. Diverse people give you different look and view points on life. You never know who could change and impact your world.

Many of the seniors I know I just will not see this summer, just because I have never really seen them outside of a school event. There are some though that I am sure I will hang out with a lot over the summer. Especially the show choir seniors, which there are so many of them that we are losing, I will definitly keep in touch with. The bond of relationship, whether friendly or annoying, in show choir is so incredibly deep. You are with those people every week for most of the year. You have not only show choir practice but then class and just regular choirs with them.

Today is their last day and then soon we will be seniors. I can not imagine yet that we only have one more year left and then we are off to our own life and away from this highschool. I do not even see myself sitting on the senior bench every day next year, or being the oldest class in the school. It will be crazy to finally get this last year over with. But doing it without this years seniors is going to be really weird. I do not know what friends I will be with next year. I feel like all the genuinely amazing people skipped over our class and are above and below us. I know I will definitly be friends with a lot of the soon to be juniors next year. Seniors are leaving though and I will miss them and wish them the best of luck in figuring out their future ahead of them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Results!!

Well the show choir results were posted last friday. And let me tell you, there were a lot of tears everywhere. No one knew who was going to get in exactly. I was kind of torn for who I wanted to get in. Sophomore year I was being considered for Happiness and I really was hopeful that maybe I would get in. Our director told us that there was still seniority and that they might be considered more over me and another girl. That ended up what happened. I can understand letting a senior have the spot over me completely, since I still had two years to try to make it.

In the call backs all the returning girls from last year had a guaranteed spot. There were a bunch of sophomores in the call backs and we knew there was competition for all the other spots in every singing section. At the end there were four girls that had to go up and sing. I knew they were the ones being debated on. The returning alto girls (the three of us that made it) had to go up and sing with them together. There were a couple soon to be juniors and a couple soon to be seniors. I really liked one of the juniors and I thought she would do really good in Happiness, but again there were seniors to compete with. I was torn in the decision because I did not really want the other girls to make it that were older but I wanted seniority over the younger girls, or else it would completely counter act what I went through my sophomore year. I really was torn because I thought the year would be more enjoyable with the soon to be junior than the others. But there is always next year for her and maybe someone will drop out or he will add someone new to the group.

There was one sophomore boy that made it into Happiness this year. I do not really know this kid very well at all, but apparently a lot of the senior guys do not really like him. I have already met some of the new junior boys and know a few of the junior girls, so next year will be enjoyable hanging out with them and creating new bonds of friendship.

The group should be amazing next year. And like every year, for any results, there are always different opinions. There is so much talent this upcoming year. It is unbelievable how much our show choirs have grown. I can not wait until we start to compete next year because I know we will be amazing.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Need a job

Last year I had a seasonal spring job but this year I was not able to have one since I was busy with the musical and end of show choir season plus both of my parents moving into new houses. So I had a lot of things to do and could not really fit in a job. Now that the musical and show choir are over and summer is coming up, I would really like to get a job and have some extra cash. Yet I already am going to be doing detasselling in july so I will need to figure out a job that would let me have a month off pretty much.

My mom wants me to work at the grocery store close to us because I can pretty much walk there from my moms and it is inbetween my moms and my dads house so not out of the way. The people I know that work there do not really like it and like any job you have to work your way up to get to the position you want and I am not even sure if I would like that position if I got there. So I have been thinking that working at a daycare would be kind of fun and they have really good hours that I could find pleasing. I think I am going to look into working at the one down the street from my moms. Hopefully they have flexible hours so I could get off the month I need off.

I applied to the daycare a couple days ago. They did not have any openings available at the moment but they said that I could be a sub to call when they need people. I told them that way completely fine. And if I do good and there is a job opening they could consider me to fill it. It is a pretty nice way to find out who really is good to hire. This could still allow me to do detasselling in the summer and maybe keep my job through the next school year. I would really like to work there since it is close and kids seem to be light hearted and entertaining every day. I think it would be a job I would actually want to go work at every day. Hopefully they will call me to sub and eventually I could work there more.


Now that everyone is moved in with boxes laid everywhere, there are decorating decisions to be made. I especially enjoy helping to pick out things now that I am older and have opinions and ideas of my own to share about the house. We first moved into my moms house which was nice not to help with decisions of paint, design, and furniture with two houses at once.

For my own rooms I have really had to hurry to make ideas and decisions fast about what I wanted. I have already figured out what I am doing in my room at my moms house and have an idea for my dads. I knew I wanted a bright color because both my parents like neutrals with some bold but not really the type I want to incorporate into my room. I found this really cute and sophisticated bed set at Bed Bath and Beyond. My mom had a coupon so I got this black almost a suede jean material with tan and silver waves on it. Then I decided I wanted to accent it with turquise blue and purple pillows and walls. I finally picked out the right blue and purple to go well together in the basement, but we have not really done anything yet to start painting.

At my dads house, my little brother and I have looked for bedding but I can not really find it. Both of the sets are at Bed Bath and Beyond. I found mine online but I can not find it at the store. Then my little brother saw a picture at the store, but there are not any sets there of it and when I looked online I could not find anything. I do not know if we are going to be able to find them for our rooms or if we should just look for some new bedding sets. We have pulled up the carpets everywhere and have painted the living room and the hallway. Now we need our bed sets to paint the walls to our rooms, so we need to find some soon. I do get my own bathroom at my dads house, which I have never had before. Usually I have to share it with my two brothers, who are not the cleanest. Plus it is mine to decorate the way I want.

I can not wait until everything comes together and is finished in both houses. Right now I feel kind of messy and bland with only white walls at my moms and a completely unfinished room and bathroom at my dads.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The sun will come out tomorrow!

Well it's another sun in the sky picture but it fits. I just know summer is coming soon. I can not wait to have no school and just have time to run free!

I have not really had quality friend time (like movie night, sleep over, bonfires...etc.) in a long time. Now that we are just moving into our new house things are still going to be hectic with unpacking. I just can not wait until summer when most of that stuff will be done and I can go to the pool, movies, park, or even just a friends house.

But now we're moved in to my mothers house!! New decorating and ideas and environment. Everything is taking a lot of time and thinking, but eventually it will all come together and be Magnificent! Things are confusing already, because I am being bugged to unpack my things yet some of it is going to my dads house and then I do not have my shelving units in my closet yet. Then I want to paint the walls so I do not want a lot of clutter to just pack up again....annnddd I also do not want all my things just out in the open in this room. I would rather have them hidden in baskets or bins or something!

Well I am still excited though to have a completely new room and new house to come home to. I really am excited to be involved in it all too! This summer I think will be more enjoyable to have people over because we have the really nice, big, trendy basement and then a pool/ping-pong table in the other room...annddd my room is right there too. Everything will be sweet, plus the deck in the back is perfect to tan on and I've never had that before.

I think my dad gets to move into his house on the sixth? or maybe the eighth? I can not really remember which it is, but soon I will start to have to help him out with things around his house too. I think he needs more help because he does not have the family support system around like my mom does, and I do not want him to get lonely and sad. So I will definitly have to focus more of my love and attention on my dad to help him out in his move.

I love getting these new houses and rooms. The environment is completely new and I am really starting to like it. I can not wait till summer though when I can actually enjoy it a little more.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

All Over :(

The musical finished up this weekend. I am really sad now because I have grown so close with the people in the cast. I used to see them every day after school for at least a couple hours and now I barely ever see them. They are such great people and we all have been there for each other through the whole musical process. Every one of them are amazing people and I do not think we have had any drama or conflict between any of us. Of course we get annoyd but we still love be hang out with each other. I will be super sad when the seniors actually leave. I wont be in any more productions with them since they are going off to bigger and better things next year.

This past week was really hectic. My family has to move out of the house this week and I was busy trying to get school work done and go to every minute of musical. We had our performance this past weekend and they all went really well. I felt proud of every one of them. I now have a virus, probably just from everything going on. I started to have a sore throat on the Saturday performances. I went to the doctors and found out that I somehow have swimmers ears and an inflamed throat. I feel so drained from the musical and packing and trying to still have fun and enjoy the friends I have from musical all at the same time. It has been worth it though. I think that every one in the cast did an amazing job and really prooved they deserved their role. I am going to miss performing the musical because it is so much fun. My mom got a DVD of the performance so at least I can relive the experience. So many people were so nice for coming. Some people even came more than one night and really showed all of us in the cast how much they appreciated our performance. Even though it was a lot of hard work I am going to miss going to practice every day and hanging out with the people I got to know on a deeper level. Hopefully lots of us will be in the same activities next year so we can keep our amazing relationships going. I think we all need to have a musical get together and stay in touch over the summer.