Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nobody's Prize

This is the sequel to the first book called Nobody's Princess. These are books about the younger days of Helen of Troy. Helen has many adventures continued from the last book and finds many more. The book is mainly based to the sea in the beginning, then it changes into other struggles to just get home and fix all the trouble she has made by following her dreams.

Helen is under disguise of a boy when she takes her journey. There is no other option for her to accomplish what she wants and not have her brothers or parents at home worrying about her. She travels to many different cities along the way and her disguise soon changes to different characters. Along the trip is her friend Milo, which she had earlier bought his freedom.

They all take a trip across the sea in search for a golden fleece. The men that are all on the adventure are there to try to be part of this quest and be an important hero. They all are searching for their own glory. Helen and milo are taken along by a friend as weapons bearers on the ship called the Argo. This way they can keep low. Helen mainly needs to keep away from her brothers who had decided to journey and test their well trained skills.

As Helen travels on the ship, she discovers that one of the men have a very strong attraction to her, even though she is disguised as a boy. His own weapons bearer is one that Helen herself is attracted to, but has to keep her feelings inside of her. Soon enough that boy becomes jealous of his masters attraction towards Helen.

The Argo travels closer and closer to their destination to find the golden fleece. Helen starts to develop into a woman. She is soon discovered to be a girl, but now everyone thinks she is Atalanta instead of the princess Helen. At the new city, Helen gets in trouble with the Queen that is in rule there. She uses herbs as almost a medicine woman. Not all of her knowledge is used for good. The Queen becomes obsessed with the man who put the entire voyage together. She starts to think that he is infatuated with Helen instead of her and becomes jealous. Helen is supposed to get the man to be attracted to the Queen. There is soon weird occurances and Helen is almost killed with poison from the Queen. At the last minute Helen and Milo escape and try to go back home.

Even though they have escaped this danger there is still danger that lies ahead. Helen gets in trouble with a man from her past. She is taken captive and forced to become her soon to be Queen. Just like she always does, Helen finds a way to escape. Then there is word from where her sister is supposed to be queen, has said that another has moved in to take the throne. What happens to her sister and the outcome of Helen's journey and lies is resolved.

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