Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes Man!

Yes Man was a recent movie that has shown itself in theatres with high viewings. The classic Jim Carrey funny man movie is one that just keeps you laughing. He's been in recent movies such as Ace Ventura and Bruce Almighty. Alongside Jim Carrey in the new movie was, Zooey Deschanel. She has been in one of my favorite movies, Elf. I think her almost dry and laid back personality is very appealing and new for an actress. I really think she will be one of my favorite new actresses.

Jim Carrey's character has been going nowhere in life. He always said no to every opportunity that comes his way. Through an old friend he goes to a seminar where he thinks you need to say yes to everything. Once he gets out he starts to agree to every question or event that is presented to him. Even things he really does not ever even want to do he does. The things he says yes to come with great benefits for him. When he refuses to accept an offer, he almost gets bad luck or bad karma. He starts to think that this is a sign that the spirits give him to never say no.

He meets the character that is play by Deschanel through one of his acceptances. His relationship with her becomes something incredible that he enjoys and never had before he started to say yes. Saying yes starts to get in the way of that relationship, since he can not say no to opportunities that would affect their relationship. His ex starts to want him back and he can not say no to her, but he wants to since he has another relationship that he is interested in more. This occurrence sends him into not wanting to say yes all the time. When Deschanel's character finds out that he has always been saying yes to everything, she gets offended because she thinks everything that has made her like him has pretty much just been a lie.

Carrey's character ends up going back to the guy that started the entire seminar and asking him why his life was turning upside down. The man tells him that you literally do not have to say yes to everything, but rather be more open to new things and do something out of the ordinary once and a while.

Overall I really enjoyed the movie, though it was not my favorite. I think it had an interesting story line and kind of a good idea to keep yourself open to try new things all the time. I also liked the interesting combination of the two actors together to mix things up in the industry a bit.

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