Saturday, January 31, 2009

Those were the days...

There are certain things that can remind you of moments or things in your life. Whether these are good or bad memories they can be strong in your mind. I usually have this experience but mostly they are related differently. The strongest memories that stay in my mind are usually linked to the music I listen to at the time or that the memory reminds me of.

When I took my trip to Alaska with my Venture crew I listened to Sara Barielles pretty much the entire trip. I am sure the people I was on the trip with were sick of hearing me sing the songs over and over again. I would sing her song Love Song and Gravity. Now everytime I hear either of those songs I am reminded of my incredibly amazing trip to Alaska and it brings back good memories.

Since about a little more than a year ago I have had some pretty shocking impactful things that have happened to me in my life. It was really hard to deal with and I would be lying if I said I was not still dealing with those issues. I usually am a person to hide my emotions and feelings when I think it would better other people not to know. I like my problems to be my problems only and not really share them with others. Yet, this is exactly the problem when trying to get over something that is troubling you. My escape to let things out was through listening to certain pieces of music. I would listen to Warm Whispers by Missy Higgins and just cry all my sad or mad feelings out. It was the best release for me.

About every summer I have playlists of songs that I pretty much listen to all summer long. Each summer I have memories with each set of songs. I relate back to either good times or the bad. Along with the summer memories, some of those songs have memories with friends. Mainly my best friend gives me songs that I can relate to her. She is always singing songs or giving me new ones to listen to. We usually try to exchange the best new songs that we can whenever we can.

I love having memories linked to songs, especially good ones. This way whenever I want to relive the moment, whether good or bad, I can just by turning on my iPod. Music is the best way to express in any way.

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